
Thank you for your support!

Why should you donate?
In Switzerland, several hundred thousand people are affected by neurological diseases or trauma. The patients and their family see their lives totally disupted and have to learn how to deal with the disease. Their life directly depend on relevant research results from collaborations between basic and clinical researchers and their applications. The Swiss Brain Foundation supports this process specifically.

Donations to the Swiss Brain Foundation can be deducted from direct federal taxes as well as from cantonal and communal taxes. We work with a mininal administrative burden and guarantee a careful use of your donation.

Our donation account
Account 40-2345-1
IBAN: CH12 0070 0110 0051 8611 2
Address: Swiss Brain Foundation, Eierbrechtstrasse 5, CH-8053 Zürich

Many thanks!

Donation confirmation can be requested by email:

Restricted donations
You are a private donor or a company/institution and would like to support a project for a specific purpose?
The Swiss Brain Foundation offers you various support options.
We will be happy to advise you: info@hirn-stiftung.ch

Donate as a present
Are you celebrating your birthday or any other special event and would you like to do without presents?
You are welcome to ask your friends and family to make a donation to our foundation instead of a gift.
Do not hesitate to contact us: info@hirn-stiftung.ch

Memorial donations
Would you like to commemorate a deceased person with condolence donations to the Swiss Brain Foundation?
Would you like as bereaved family to recommend the Swiss Brain Foundation for condolence donations?
Thank you very much. We can help you in this sad moment: info@hirn-stiftung.ch

Become Benefactor
Regiter a donation for a single person (40 CHF/year) or a couple (70 CHF/year)
by contacting us at info@hirn-stiftung.ch